Sunday, August 8, 2010

“You can’t fly a kite unless you go against the wind and have a weight to keep it from turning a somersault. The same with man. No man will succeed unless he is ready to face and overcome difficulties and is prepared to assume responsibilities.” William J.H. Boetcker

Arrrrggg!  The Supersuit! Also know as the Teletubby suit!  Hee hee.  I have found my difficulty!

Hey all.  It has been a few days.  Last week was crazy busy with trips and work, training and being a volunteer.  I had a lot going on and did not get to bed before 12 Midnight any night last week except for Friday. 

So I know you wanna know what is going on with my training... Well, here you go!  Last week, Tuesday, when I postponed my trip to LA, I decided I was going to be Superwoman and do a mini tri at 24 Hour.  Hahaha... I crack me up!  So I got on the bike and was so uncomfortable (there is something to be desired about gym bikes versus your own) that I could not get through a 5 mile ride.  So I moved to the treadmill... yes, I busted out 2 miles.  Now, I was with my friend who next to me look 10 feet 12 inches.  I was jogging at the pace she was walking.  Oh well, I will just have to move and train faster if I am going to keep up with her at Nike Marathon!  After the jog, I thought I was going to have a peaceful swim in the pool to only be greeted by "RED SPEEDO MAN" and "Octopus Man."  Well Red Speedo thinks he owns the pool at 24 Hour gym.  He comes in in his red speedo and stands over the pool doing jumping jacks, side bends, squats, and various other exercises that can be deemed offensive when you are swimming and come out of the water to the... RED SPEEDO!  YUCK!  I know I irritate Red Speedo because he tries to move me out of my lane and I just bump into him.  Hee hee.  And then Octopus Man... So, I have never been in the pool and been hit by someone swimming in a totally different lane.  The Man smacked the stuff out of my leg and almost pulled me under.  I know it was an accident but jeesh!  Whose arms are that long?  I had to get out of pool after 40 mins after being hit like that!

So, Wednesday I missed Track Practice.  (Hey Marathon Team!)  I was on a day trip to LA.  I was so tired when I got back that I slept half of Thursday away.  I did a little walking but nothing major... I said it was a tough week.  Well Friday, I got the Teletubby suit BACK!  Yay!  It was cut back a lot.  I tried it on and could hardly breathe after getting it on.  My 10 foot 12 inch friend was there to watch me try it on.  Oh did we laugh.

Then Saturday came.  I was not feeling good on Saturday.  I started sneezing and I had leg cramps.  But I got in the water anyway.  BOY!  DID I FREAK OUT!  Don't ask me why, but I freaked out.  Being in the wetsuit just did not seem normal to me.  As I dived in to swim, I had a mini attack.  No, I did not think I was gonna drown (that suit will not let you) but I just could not get my mojo to get past the difficulty of wearing the suit!  I did however do my BEST to get used to it and I swam on half length down and back a little closer to the shoreline than I would like.  I had a fight with the water the whole swim.  So bad that I got out of the water and want to give up.  My Coaches were reassuring but that was not enough for me.  I wanted to overcome the difficulty of this suit and get my swim on!

I then changed into my running shoes and started on my jog/walk.  I am so impressed with my progress.  I job/walked 3.6 miles at 3/1 intervals (3 mins jog/ 1 min walk)  I was able to complete all but 3 intervals, of course they were both up the hills.  My jogging is getting better and my knees are not hurting.  I was jogging and watching the thin, fast runners pass me by.  I thought to myself that it would be nice to run with that level of ease.  But if I could run with that level of ease, I wouldn't run!  So, my challenge is to get there.  Right now, I feel good about my slow jog... I just need to work on my swim in that suit.  Hmmmmm, can I swim naked?  Kidding!

As much as I would like this Triathlon training to be a cakewalk for me, it is not.  Every week I have a new obstacle to navigate and somehow I always win.  Again, I can only win when I try.  This week, the lesson of not comparing yourself to others really sunk in.  I am AMAZING despite how slow or fast or if I come in first or last!  I ROCK HARD... Like the GRAND CANYON!

P.S.  YOU ROCK HARD TOO!  I am going to overcome this wetsuit this week.  What are you going to overcome this week?

Loving you!
Phat Athlete!  :)

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