Tuesday, November 23, 2010

To Eat or NOT to EAT! Yeah RIGHT... Its Thanksgiving!

Hey All!

OMG... I have not posted in a while.  But I am please to tell you that I should start posting regularly going forward.  Once a week is my hope.  More if I have something important to say!  Hee hee.

I turned 36!  Wow!  I feel like I am still 25 with some extra aches and pains.  And, I need a little more sleep to go all day but other than that, I feel great.  Still working on the weight but that is a never ending battle!

So what do you plan on eating during Thanksgiving?  Are you going to get in the little workout before you fine tune your hand to mouth coordination?  My soft spot is that my Birthday and Thanksgiving always fall between 2 to 6 days of each other.  Oh goodness... I just spent this past weeking wining and dining and now Thanksgiving.  Well, I am going to go Trot before I EAT!  That is right, I am going to walk/jog the Solano County Turkey Trot! ( http://www.solanoturkeytrot.org/index.php ) Even if I trot by myself, I am going to walk and/or jog a nice 3.2 miles on Thanksgiving morning.  This way, I don't feel bad about eating and will not eat too much because I won't have as much of an appetite.  If you have nothing to do, JOIN ME!  I would love to have you with me.  There is a 5K and a 10K... They are $45 and $55 to sign up the day of the event!  The money benefits Solano Hearts United so come on... do it for the kids!

Also, I want to share with you a new magazine in Solano County.  Solano Fit (http://www.solanofit.com/) is a magazine dedicated to those in Solano County to care about their health!  I downloaded the December Issue and loved it.  It has lots of ads for health and wellness companies and trainers in Solano County.  I even found someone to help me with my weight!  I am excited about this magazine and hope that there will be opportunities to see people like me who struggle with their weight but love themselves and treat themselves right all of the time.  I am proud of the Editor Jessica for taking this big step.  Support her in the effort to make Solano County the Healthiest County in the State.  The Magazine is FREE!

I look forward to hearing about your Thanksgiving holiday.  I hope you get the opportunity to spend it with the ones you love doing the things you love... and a little eating too!

Many Blessings...  I am sure Training is season is around the corner!


Phat Athlete!
Follow me on Twitter @PhatAthlete2010