Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sorry for Not Posting Yesterday...and the Day before

Well, I said I was not going to appologize but I have to.  I was not able to post on Sunday or Monday (actually, I am posting early Tuesday Morning so you may get two posts today).  It was a tough weekend.  I learned one valuable lesson...


We know it is hard when our mind and our bodies fight.  Saturday, we had a wonderful swim planned followed by a run and Sunday, a 28 mile bike ride followed by a run.  Saturday, because I did not have my wetsuit, I thought I would get in a 90 minute run instead.  It was beautiful!  Crissy Fields is a great place to run (I think I said that in a previous run).  There are lots of other people running and walking that you never really feel alone.  I think I did about a 4 mile jog/walk.  Jogging wears me out!  Now mind you, this is my first week really jogging and walking.  Thought it is tough, I always feel so good after.

On Sunday, I provided SAG (Support and Gear) for the "FASTIES" (The people on our team that are entirely too fast).  I was actually a nice day, but both Saturday and Sunday called for a 5am wake up call.  By 12noon, I was exhausted and still had a  few hours and parties to attend. Needless to say, once I laid my head to rest, I was out like a light.

As much as I wanted to go to the gym and get in a swim on Saturday as well as a bike ride on Sunday, my body started to tell me to rest.  My body almost shut down on me.  So I listened.  I listened so much.  I actually slept for more than 12 hours!  My body need some time to repair and rebuild and finally, I am so in tune with my body that I can read the signs.

I am sure there are lot of articles on rest, eating right, the benefits of sleep, and listening to the signs of fatigue.  But every body is different.  I trip over everything when I am tired.  In fact, the last time I worked out when my body told me to relax, I slipped and fell and injured my foot... permanently.  So, if for nothing else, learn the signals your body gives you when it is time to relax if for nothing more than to prevent injury.  Go ahead... it is ok to sleep and rest!

Make tomorrow a GREAT one!


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