Oh it feels good to get inside the gym. Especially, after you've been out with an illness. Today was my second day of personal training this week. Due to the high winds and crazy traffic I almost went home! However, I see that working out at night is my forte.
Getting back to working out after an illness can be really tough. I don't know about you, but I find being hydrated is the most important part to get it back to working out. And starting slow is just as important! Many think that just because they've been out of the gym, but don't gain weight, their fitness doesn't suffer. Well, I'm sure most of us can prove you wrong.
We started off pretty slow today. A short walk and then some extensive leg workouts. But getting back in the gym was actually very therapeutic for me! Being able to sweat out the cares of the day, versus sweat before there are any cares for the day, is very liberating, cleansing, and feels really good!
I am grateful for the ability to move every day. I hope you are too!
Look Back...I'm at IT!
Phat Athlete
Vena Ford
Oh Dear, you can say that again. Either and illness or injury (or both)...the first day back at it is like pure joy (even when DOMS comes early). Glad your back at it.