Sunday, April 1, 2012

And the Journey Continues...

"If you run, you are a runner.  It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."

Today, I did my first organized 5K since October 2011. It was the first annual Running of the Elk in Elk Grove.  It was nice. More than 2300 people completed a 5K, Relay, or 13.1 mile half marathon.  Amazing.

While walk/jogging (I did more walking than jogging) and listening to my Soul Sanctuary Mike Mix (All Michael Jackson for 45 minutes), I wonder what goes through people mind when running or walking these events.  Is it to keep in shape? Is it to prove someone wrong? Is it personal sacrifice? Or physical torture? Does is make them happy?  Does is make them mad? Is is just about the feeling of accomplishment?  I wonder?

After thinking about it this afternoon, I had to ask myself the same questions. As I think about it more and more, I really don't have an answer except that doing this gives me a feeling like no other.  I feel free!  Free to go as far as my body will take me and then stop.  Free to enjoy everything around me including the flowers, the feeling of the sun on my face, the smell of the grass or ocean, the smiles I give and get as you past fellow participants and volunteers and they past you, the feeling I feel when I feel every inch of my body as I move towards an end.  It is a sense of freedom for me.  I don't have to talk to anyone, I don't have to work with anyone, I don't have to negotiate my time or my pace or my willingness to jog fast or slow.  I just feel free to do what I need and want to do to get to the proposed end, only negotiating with one person... me.

Today was a little hard at the end and my negotiation with my self went a little bit like this.  "Ow! My ankle hurts.  Stop jogging (slowing down).  Do I stop or just keep going?  I am almost 3 miles in.  DANG IT!  Michael Jackson went off.  Oh well, new song.  Wait, now my knee hurts.  Awe, suck it up.  You will be OK. Just keep going.  It is just around the corner! You can do it! Besides, you still need to get to your car.  OH BOY!  That man is fast!  I wish I could run almost that fast.  Wait, I can, I would just have to keep trying.  Awe whatever.  I he can't be anymore than 23 years old. Why didn't I start running when I was in my 20's? Good question.  Keep going... There is the chute!"  As you can see, there were many things going through my head but the remaining theme for me despite the pain and the bouncy little boy running past me to finish the 13.1 miles,  I kept my mind on finishing.  Despite how slow or fast, how long or short, how many people past me, I kept going.

Now 3 miles is not really that much but for some reason, my mind was ready but my body felt different. But despite the difference, I kept going.  I believe I am a runner.  Not a fast runner, a mostly walking runner, but I will keep going despite the challenge! I will get there soon.

I am excited about the triathlon in June and still have a lot of training to go.  I even got some personal training to help strengthen the areas I am the most weak (knees and ankles).  Last week was an interesting week of training as I kicked it up a lot and even got in two (ok... 1 and a half) brick workouts.   This week is going to be interesting as I will be kicking it up again and doing my walk/jog training outside now that the rain is gone. We are going to rock this TRI and I hope that you are here with me!

I want to also give a shot out to the Black Girls Run! Sacramento group.  I felt like everyone was at an event this Sunday representing.  Keep running girls!  Maybe it is time for me to start a group called Phat Girls Run? What you think?

Peace, Blessings, and happy MOVEMENT!


Monday, March 12, 2012

I'm BACK! And I promise regularly!

"That which matters most, should never give way to that which matters least!" (From a poster in my house)

Hey Phat Athletes all around the world! I am back, the PhatAthlete herself.  And ready to get this going.  It has been an interesting three months for 2012.  Some great things, I lost 31 pounds (woo hoo Paleo!), I have learn to reduce stress, I purchase my new bike (photo below!!!) and I have started on the next 31 pounds.  Some not so great things, I could not sign up for the Maui Triathlon (Boo!!!), I got a slight injury yesterday (same ankle... yeah I know, wear my brace), and it is going to rain ALL WEEK!  WAAAHHHH!  I want to ride my bike.  Now all this time with no rain and we get rain as soon as I get a new bike (I have not named it yet).  Oh well, maybe I will pick up a trainer this week!!!

So, despite not being able to do Maui, I did sign up for the Mermaid Series Triathlon in Alameda (yes, cold bay water... burrrr) (!__alameda).  Join me if you can.  I am determined to complete 3 triathlons this year; maybe four!  I have been swimming, treadmill walking, stationary bike, and yoga!  I think the yoga is what is making me stronger.  I hope I do well.  I am doing it the same weekend I should be in Maui so I am definitely gonna have some mixed feeling on the swim. I miss my Team in Training folks in the Bay Area but the drive at $4.20 a gallon is CRAZY!

I have also joined a great group of women in Sacramento with the Black Girls Run! Sacramento Chapter.  (  What a great group of women!  I had the opportunity to go to the Shamrock 1/2 Marathon and see these ladies run.  WOW!  I must say they were AWESOME!  I am so proud of all of them and many I met just the night before.  I will have to keep up with this group as I need to keep moving (walking/running) and I need motivation (I hate the running/walking part).

Well, look forward to hearing from me frequently as I blog my next Triathlon experience.  This should be great!  Only 3 months away... Time to kick it in GEAR!

Until next time....

Be the best you you can be!
