I DID IT! Yes friends... I completed my TRIATHLON! And I did not finish last! Woo HOO! What a journey. This has been a tough one. But I did it and I struggled and I did it. Ok... enough with the babbling, lets get to the MEAT!
Well, I know it had been a while since I posted to the blog but I was busy preparing mentally, physically, and spiritually for the Pacific Grove event. Now, for those of you who do triathlons like they are everyday business, this simple sprint tri may be as simple as peeling an orange to you. But for me, a PHAT Athlete, this took more than training physically, I had to be their mentally too.
About two week prior to the triathlon, I woke up on a Saturday (of course a training day) with knee pain. Not just an ache, but pain, swelling, and popping. Not good! I was at a training the day before and I think I did a little too much up and down and moved something that I should have not. But was I gonna quit? NO, of course NOT! I got my self up, gathered my thing and went to practice at Aquatic Park. I put on my wetsuit and jumped in the water and got my swim on. The water was choppy but the weather was beautiful so motion sickness was at hand. But... I fought through it. Motion sickness and a jacked up knee wasn't gonna stop me.
Me knee hurt for the last two practices and jog/walking was not on the menu! I did however swim and enjoyed the feel of being in the ocean finally without fear and resistance. I just decided in my mind that I was gonna do it and get over my nerves, and I DID! Oh by the way, I discovered what my nerves were about... I COULD NOT SEE! I hate my contacts so I purchased a pair of prescription goggles from Site for Sport Eyes (http://www.sporteyes.com/). A few dollars spent and I can see almost perfectly... well enough to see faces, fish, and buoy's! Hee hee. If I had known earlier that I could get prescription goggles, I would have invested earlier. I am so glad I did it. It made Pacific Grove Triathlon that much nicer!
So, we arrived in Pacific Grove on September 10th and the Coaches wanted those of us who had never done the tri to get in the water and experience the kelp crawl before the event. OH MY GOODNESS! On top of the water, the area looks nasty and creepy, but in the water (especially with my prescription goggles), the water was clear and beautiful and you could see the kelp and the sea life. Though the water was very cold at first (I cramped as soon as I got in), out where the kelp was thickest, the water was warm and clear. Now, they call this event the KELP CRAWL and really, it was a crawl. On Friday, the kelp was very thick and you literally had to crawl over it to get to where you were going. It was a really awesome experience! One I will not forget! After swimming on Friday, I was STUPID EXCITED and really jazzed about the event on Sunday.
I arrived back at my hotel and discovered that my knee was still a bit sore, but I iced it and thought it would be ok on Sunday. Well, I was wrong!
On Saturday, we got to the event to cheer on the Olympic Distant teammates (most everyone except me, Michelle, and Coach Jer). Everyone looked so strong, excited, and determined. I did not catch the swim because we had to park so far away, but I did catch the bike and runs. I was so proud to be apart of something so amazing! As we cheered each teammate (Hey Nick!), checked out the really sexy male triathletes (sorry... couldn't help myself), and walked, I discovered that the cramp I had the day before was getting worse. My knee was acting up and I just could not take it. I found a chiropractor who did something to my hamstrings that I have never experienced before. He found all of the kinks that were bothering me and several more I did not know about. He worked them out as I sang, hollered, hummed, and moaned. But he made what was turning into a bad situation, into a good situation. After my massage, I took his advise to go to the hotel, drink lots of water, and rest up for the next day. I also purchased a hot/cold wrap that I put in the microwave that relaxed the muscles in my knees and relieved some of the inflammation. I also iced my knee, took a Tylenol, had a sip of wine with my dinner (Thanks SISTERS: Paula and Tracy: for the GREAT dinner), and went to bed to prepare for Sunday morning.
Sunday morning, MY KNEE FELT better. Yes is did! I was so happy. I got my things together, pulled my self together, taking care of my fragile knee, and headed out to the start (Thanks Marsha for your help). I got to my transition area, got myself set up, got my body markings, put on my Teletubby Suit, swim cap, nose and ear plugs, and of course my new prescription goggles, and headed with Michelle and Coach Jer to the beach. WHAT A GREAT DAY! I had a great swim... I think. 17:00 mins. From the time I walked (not ran) across the mats to the time I walked (not ran) across the mats leading to the transition area. GREAT JOB VEE... I kept telling myself as I rinsed my mouth and headed to my transition area.
Once at my area, I took my wetsuit off, put on my cycle jersey and shirt, put on my cycle shoes and socks, grabbed my helmet and sunglasses (yes prescription), and headed out to the bike out area. People were cheering me on. I was so excited! I pushed off and headed down the road for my 12 mile ride. I was doing great until...MY KNEE LOCKED UP! OUCH! Of course I was mad, in pain, and frustrated. I calmed myself down and unclipped my shoe and started to pedal with my right leg only until I could get the knot out of my knee. Oh, did that slow me down. But I just kept pushing on... I was not going to stop. I slowed down (I was actually at a 12 mile pace and slowed down to a 10 mile pace) and dropped into easier gears because I could not risk my knee acting up again. I started to eat and drink on the ride to put some food and potassium and salt into my body to stop the cramping. It started to work about a mile down the road and I started singing to keep my spirits up because I was in pain. "Strength, Courage, and Wisdom..." by India Arie. I sing this during my swim and during my rides. Sometime, I sing "Motivation" by TI, but I don't know all of the words (figures). But India was what I needed to finish the first lap and head back into my second lap. By the time I started my second lap, most of the people were off the course and it felt at times that I was by myself. But I wasn't! I had the ocean and the beautiful views that GOD made with me. And I got to see Jessie and Abel at the turn around (on the hill of course) while they took photos of me. I felt so good after the cramp went away but my knee started to get stiff... the cold air was affecting it now.
I finished my lap and headed into the transition zone for my last change. Into my running shoes I go. I also put on a Jacket, my TNT Singlet, and my running cap (to keep my head warm) as I headed out (I had on Hella Clothes). WHOA NELLY! My knee told me I had to walk it out! So I walked out and caught up to my coach who had some choice words for me to keep going. I did. I jogged some, I walked some, I jogged some, I walked some... but my knee was not going to make it possible to go any faster than I did. So, I did my first lap and saw my 1st cycle coach at the turn around (Mel with Vivian). She and Vivian were talking photos... the trees were pretty in the background I heard. Mel is a good photographer. I look forward to the photos.
After my second lap, I headed back. The last .5 mile. Mel offered me a cinnamon roll on the way back (no icing... my favorite). Yes... good FOOD! As I walked back, I could see the end. I talked to people who were inspired by my fight and were going to get off their duff and train for next year. I met TNT coaches who just pushed me further with encouraging words and compliments. I saw the people at the Hotel on the corner having breakfast watching me come in, and then I saw my Sisters, my BFF, and my TEAM. All cheering me on. My Coach, my assistant coach, and my co-mentor all came and ran the last few meters with me. My sisters were cheering on the side with my BFF Marsha! And the rest of the team was cheering me on. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't get the tears out! I was so happy! We had a great celebration! WOO HOO! And, I got a cool medal! I finished in 2:45:07.... My goal was 3:00:00 or less! WOO HOO!
Well, as I think back, I ask myself, would I do it again. HELL YES! To physically accomplish something so great to someone who usually would not do something like this is amazing. I am now gonna commit to swimming 2 to 3 times a week along with my marathon training. I will still cycle with the Vallejo Breakfast Cycle Club to keep working on my cadence and my hill climbing abilities.
So now, I am considering signing up for the See Jane Run Marathon on September 25th. I am taking care of my knee to ensure that I have ability to participate. I will make my decision tomorrow to sign up based on my the progress of my knee. I will also be doing the Nike Women's Marathon on October 17th in San Francisco with the Homies and the Runner's Woman's Marathon on November 7th in Scottsdale with my Mom, My Aunt, and several of their friends and other family.
If nothing else, I have committed myself to keeping active and getting into a smaller shape versus getting in shape! I want to do the Olympic Distance next year but I have loose more weight. I am committed to do it and I hope you will join me. BTW, 21 pounds down, 31 inches lost. So FAR!
Sara, my Mentee, gave me a sticker that says "Triathlon: the pain is temporary; the PRIDE is FOREVER!" This is so true with everything in life. If you can push through the pain, you will achieve the accomplishments of a Champion! And no one can take your PRIDE from you. I am gonna keep pushing... keep reading my posts... you will see.
On to a taper swim! (Medal Photo to come)
Phat Athlete